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- <p>
- If you are an Amiga dealer, and wish to distribute the Eyetech AmigaOne
- boards, you can join our AmigaOne dealer mailing list.
- <p>
- To apply to join, please email us at <a
- href="mailto:a1dealerapp@eyetech.co.uk?Subject=A1Dealer List Application">
- a1dealerapp@eyetech.co.uk</a> with 'A1Dealer List Application' in the
- subject line. You should include details of your company, your website
- and email addresses, and if possible include some proof of advertising
- within the Amiga press.
- <p>
- <hr width=50% align=center>
- <p>
- The following sums up our distribution policy for all dealers.
- <p>
- The AmigaOne -1200/4000 came out of work that we were already undertaking on
- the Predator-Plus, but substantially revised to make it fully compliant with
- the Zico specification from Amiga. Whilst the Predator-Plus was our own
- (Eyetech's) product to sell directly and via the distributors which we
- selected, the AmigaOne 1200/4000 is to be 'open availability' - that is
- available at the same price and under the same conditions to any bona fide
- Amiga dealer worldwide. There will be no territorial 'exclusives' either in
- the UK or elsewhere.
- <p>
- How does this work in practice? Well the development and manufacturing sides
- of the AmigaOne 1200/4000 are being undertaken by a consortium of companies,
- including Eyetech's industrial systems division, Escena and others. There is
- open accounting between consortium members and a contractual undertaking as
- to how the costs, risks and margins on the manufacture of the boards will be
- shared, and on the cost price to dealers. The prime concern of the
- development/manufacturing consortium will be to make sure as many boards as
- possible are sold in order to recover development costs and generate
- economies of scale.
- <p>
- All dealers, whether existing competitors, partners or otherwise, of any of
- the manufacturing consortium, will be able to buy the AmigaOne 1200/4000 at
- exactly the same price as Eyetech's retail division does. This will ensure
- wide availability and price competition amongst the dealers and the best
- deal for end users. The only constraint on dealers is that each dealer will
- need to buy boards in minimum quantities of units, cash with order, and have
- at least one physical, named person able to support end users who buy the
- product. Dealer margins at recommended end user prices are sufficient for
- the dealers to be able to provide this level of support.
- <p>
- The manufacturing consortium will sell bare boards to dealers, for them to
- add their own SDRAM, I/O & graphics cards, cases, storage etc. We will also
- make the specification for the CPU slot open , so that other companies can
- build CPU modules, in addition to the ones the consortium builds. The pinout
- has been agreed (last October) with bPlan so CPU modules manufactured by
- them should work in the AmigaOne 1200/4000 and vice versa. We will also be
- making the adapter boards which carry, as one example, the 'mac-type' ZIF
- CPU/cache modules available to dealers for them to fit their own CPU's. In
- fact our philosophy is to build adapter boards which can be used with any
- G3/G4 modules which are readily available either new or second user (eg from
- Mac owners upgrading).
- <p>
- Individual dealers will have the option of what specification and how many
- CPU modules to buy from us and from the other CPU module suppliers. We
- expect that most dealers will sell both the AmigaOne boards/CPU's and fully
- towered, ready to roll systems. They will be able to buy the Eyetech
- EZTower-Z4 (or equivalent towers from other manufacturers) if they wish to
- sell a system with an AmigaOne and A1200 integrated in the same case
- (necessary to run OS4.0) or a system with an AmigaOne 1200 board in an ATX
- case (without an A1200) for retargetable applications from OS4.2 on. As far
- as Eyetech's retail operations are concerned we will certainly offering both
- 'board-only' upgrades and custom built ready-to-run systems.
- <p>
- As well as the choice of CPU and memory you will also be able to add
- (specified) PCI/AGP graphics, networking, modem (ISDN), firewire, SCSI and
- sound cards either buying them direct from your dealer or elsewhere. Some of
- these cards will have drivers provided with OS4.x and some will be provided
- by third parties. In addition the on-board 2xUSB and 4xUDMA-ATA channels
- will have drivers provided as part of OS4.x.
- <p>
- As far as preorders are concerned, our retail operations are certainly
- taking 'no-obligation, no charge' preorders to help them decide on the level
- of initial demand for the AmigaOne 1200, and I imagine other dealers are
- doing the same. However we have also stated that final pricing will not be
- released (by the manufacturing consortium) until the board goes into final
- production so that we can set the best possible price based on optimising
- component pricing, exchange rates etc.
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